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Why work with us

Customized research with a personal touch
We work hard to understand your research objectives, and customize each project to fit what you need and want. Our team is proactive and engaged, closely monitoring and communicating throughout the study progress.

Fresh perspective
As outside consultants, we see things from a different angle and may suggest a methodology or sampling approach your internal team might be less familiar with or does not have the capacity to handle internally.

As a neutral third party, we approach each project without preconceived ideas. From research design to final deliverables, our work is transparent, data-driven, and fact-based.

Confidentiality, privacy and security
We can assure respondents their individual responses will remain completely confidential and their answers and data will be shared in aggregate form only. Our organization strictly maintains and adheres to security and privacy policies and procedures covering the technical, administrative and physical safeguards required by HIPAA.

Internal and external information users may view the data and results as more accurate or reliable when a professional, third-party firm is involved.

Local partners, national scope
Our team has worked and lived in the Midwest for more than 40 years. We are a trusted partner for both local businesses and global corporations. Whatever your needs, SNG Research combines impressive capabilities with a friendly, local touch.

Save time and stress less
Let us take care of the day-to-day details of study administration, data collection, data tabulation, and the analysis and insights. We’re happy to partner with you on a full-service or sub-contract basis.